Next Steps with Tag:
Mind Blown

Mind Blown :: Evil

Sunday, September 11th

As we commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11, our question about whether the tragedy made us stronger as a country raises an even more important question. How does God turn evil that affects our own lives into something good? How do we experience “eucastrophe” (Tolkein’s word for joy breaking forth from tragedy)?

In this week’s Next Steps, you’ll do a review of some of the key Scriptures “Already / Not Yet.” The idea that evil has already been defeated by Jesus, but we live in an in-between time when that reality is not fully manifested in our lives and in the world. Work through the following Scriptures and questions on your own, and get together with your running partner, Life Group or friends and family around the dinner table to talk through what you’re learning!

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Mind Blown :: Apocalypse

Sunday, September 4th

The Apocalypse … It’s a Greek word that combines two roots, apo meaning “away from” and calypsos meaning “veil.” The Apocalypse, therefore, is the revealing of God’s great hope and purpose. All of history is heading toward a fulfillment, a culmination of all God’s promises. Most of our lives are spent thinking about the here-and-now –- paying our mortgage, doing our work, loving our families, enjoying our weekends. When you think about the Great Apocalypse, the return of Christ, does it fill you with hope? Or are you confused by what you see in Scripture.

In this week’s Next Steps, you’ll do a review of some of the key Scriptures about the Second Coming of Jesus, and hopefully these verses will fill you with anticipation and wonder. Work through the following questions on your own, and get together with your running partner, Life Group or friends and family around the dinner table to talk through what you’re learning!

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Mind Blown :: Assurance

Sunday, August 28th

Do you sense the tension between faith and works? We don’t have to prove our worth to God — He proved our worth through Christ. What He wants is our faith, our trust in Him, but as God draws us close and assures us of His acceptance and love, we follow Him doing the good works He created us to do. This tension of assurance is what you’re invited to wrestle with this week.

Work through the following questions on your own, and get together with your running partner, Life Group or friends and family around the dinner table to talk through what you’re learning!

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Mind Blown :: Destiny

Sunday, August 21st

For what am I destined? Does God have a plan for my life? If so, am I on the right track, or did I screw it up with bad choices? Though if God knows the future and has a plan laid out for me, then what difference do my choices make anyway? If God knows, does that mean all is predestined even evil acts? But if I can choose good or evil, how can God be in control and give me confidence my future is secure?

Is your mind blown yet? This week we’re looking at the challenging question: Do we really have free will or is everything predetermined? Work through the following questions on your own, and get together with your running partner, Life Group or friends and family around the dinner table to talk through what you’re learning!

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